Last updated:

Jun 1, 2024

Privacy Policy

Information on the Use of Cookies

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General Information and Controller

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter "PP") contains all the information on the collection and further processing of personally identifiable data ("Personal Data") of individuals ("Individuals") who use (hereinafter "WebPage") by Controller.

Individuals can request additional information about Personal Data processing and about their rights regarding their Personal Data by sending an email to

Controller Information:

  • Company: 916 HUB SAAS d.o.o.

  • Location: Rozmanova ulica 16, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, EU

  • Registration No.: 9529705000 (District Court in Maribor)

  • Tax Identification No.: 31558542

  • Email:

The terms Client and User shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the [Terms and Conditions](insert link).

Scope of This Privacy Policy

This PP only applies to the processing of Personal Data with regard to which the Controller has the status of controller, meaning that it determines the purposes and means of the processing of such Personal Data.

Please bear in mind that certain types of Personal Data have been collected, entered into the WebPage, and further processed in the WebPage, or with the help of the WebPage, by Clients or by entities whom Clients have given access to the Personal Data in the WebPage. In such a case, the Client or/and the entity given access to Personal Data in the WebPage shall be considered Personal Data controller(s), and the Controller shall be considered a contractual processor of Personal Data on behalf of the Client or the entity having access to Personal Data in the WebPage, or as merely a host of such Personal Data, as the case may be.

For information on Personal Data processing referred to in the preceding paragraph, and their rights regarding such processing, Individuals should contact respective Clients or entities whom Clients have given access to the Personal Data in the WebPage.

Types of Processed Personal Data

The types of Personal Data collected and further processed by the Controller depend on the role and position of the Individual. Note that the Contact Person of the Client can simultaneously have the status of User.

Users: A.1. Personal Data Collected Automatically upon Accessing (Visiting) the WebPage:

  • IP address of the network from which access to the WebPage has been made

  • IMEI/MAC address of the device used to access the WebPage

  • Date and time of visit

  • Duration of visit

  • Webpages visited (number and URLs)

  • Duration of visit on each webpage

A.2. Personal Data Related to the Forms Users Can Choose to Submit on the WebPage:

  • Name and surname

  • Email address

  • Position

  • Company name

Contact Persons of Clients: B.1. Contact Data:

  • Name and surname

  • Email address

  • Position

  • Company name

Purposes of Personal Data Processing

Referrals made in this Article 4 are to the types of Personal Data from Article 3 of this Privacy Policy. The Personal Data are being processed for the following purposes:

A.1. Personal Data Collected Automatically upon Accessing the WebPage:

  • Marketing: To analyze user behavior for marketing strategies, enhance user experience, and tailor marketing efforts based on user interactions with the WebPage.

  • Sales: To identify potential leads and prospects, understand their interests based on WebPage interactions, and improve sales strategies.

A.2. Personal Data Related to the Forms Users Submit:

  • Marketing: To send promotional materials, newsletters, and updates about HyptT’s services and offerings. This includes personalized marketing efforts based on user-provided information.

  • Sales: To establish contact with potential clients, provide information about the HyptT App, and follow up on trial or service inquiries submitted through forms.

A.3. Personal Data Related to Communication from Controller to User Regarding the WebPage:

  • Informing Users about New Functionalities, Upgrades, and Versions: To keep users updated on new features, enhancements, and versions of the HyptT App. This includes providing information on how to use new functionalities effectively and any changes or improvements made to the service.

By ensuring clear communication and transparency in how Personal Data is collected, processed, and used, HyptT aims to maintain user trust and comply with data protection regulations.

Legal Basis for Personal Data Processing

A.1. Personal Data Collected Automatically upon Accessing (Visiting) the WebPage:

  • Consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR): Users consent to the use of tracking cookies and other automated data collection tools for marketing, remarketing, and analytics purposes. This consent is obtained through a cookie banner and can be withdrawn at any time.

  • Legitimate Interests (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR): The Controller has a legitimate interest in processing Personal Data to improve user experience, optimize webpage performance, and conduct marketing and remarketing activities. These interests are balanced against the user’s privacy rights.

A.2. Personal Data Related to the Forms Users Submit:

  • Consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR): Users provide explicit consent when filling out forms for marketing, remarketing, and receiving a free trial of the HyptT App. Consent can be withdrawn at any time by contacting

  • Contractual Necessity (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR): Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or to take steps at the user’s request prior to entering into a contract. This includes providing a free trial of the HyptT App and subsequent customer support.

  • Legitimate Interests (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR): The Controller's legitimate interests include conducting sales activities, providing customer support, and improving service offerings. These interests are carefully balanced with the users’ rights and freedoms.

A.3. Personal Data Related to Communication from Controller to User Regarding the WebPage:

  • Consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR): Users consent to receive communications related to marketing, sales, and information about the HyptT App when they provide their contact details. This consent can be withdrawn at any time.

  • Contractual Necessity (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR): Communication is necessary for the performance of a contract or to take steps at the user’s request before entering into a contract, including providing information about the HyptT App and its free trial.

  • Legitimate Interests (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR): The Controller has legitimate interests in informing users about service updates, promotions, and other relevant information. This processing is balanced against the privacy rights of the users.

By aligning the processing activities with these legal bases, HyptT ensures compliance with the GDPR and protects the rights and freedoms of its users.

Recipients of Personal Data

The following types of entities may have access to Personal Data:

  • Hosting (servers) provider

  • HubSpot

Personal Data Storage Periods

The Controller shall only process and store the Personal Data until the purpose of processing has been fulfilled, following which the Personal Data in question shall be effectively deleted or anonymized.

Referrals made in this Article 7 are to the types of Personal Data from Article 3 of this PP. The storage periods for different types of Personal Data shall be the following:

A.1. Personal Data Collected Automatically upon Accessing (Visiting) the WebPage: 5 years. A.2. Personal Data Related to Requests for Support in Using the App: 5 years. A.3. Personal Data Related to Communication from Processor to User Regarding the App: 1 year.

Rights of Individuals Regarding the Processing of Personal Data

With regard to Personal Data, each Individual shall have the following rights:

Right to Information and to Access Personal Data You have the right to obtain confirmation from the Controller as to whether or not Personal Data is being processed, and, where that is the case, right to access the Personal Data.

You may request a copy of your Personal Data which is being processed. For any further copies, the Controller may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs. If the request is made by electronic means, and unless otherwise requested, the copy shall be provided in a commonly used electronic form.

Right to Withdraw Consent 

You may withdraw your consent to the processing of your Personal Data at any time. The withdrawal of consent only affects those sets of Personal Data that were being processed based on such consent. The Controller may still process other sets of Personal Data based on other legal bases.

Consent can be withdrawn by a written statement that is sent by email to

Withdrawal of consent bears no adverse effect for you. It is, however, possible that the Controller may not be able to provide some of its services after the withdrawal of consent if such services cannot be performed without the processing of the Personal Data in question.

Right to Deletion of Personal Data (Right to be Forgotten) 

You have the right to request the Controller to delete without undue delay your Personal Data when one of the following reasons exists:

  • The Personal Data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed.

  • You have withdrawn your consent and there are no other legal bases for further processing.

  • You have objected to the processing of your Personal Data, and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for processing.

  • Personal Data has been unlawfully processed.

  • Personal Data has to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in the European Union or Member State law.

  • The Personal Data has been collected in relation to the offer of an information society service.

Under certain circumstances, as defined in Article 17, Paragraph 3, GDPR, you do not have the right to Personal Data deletion.

Right to Rectify Personal Data 

You have the right to request the Controller to rectify inaccurate Personal Data without undue delay.

Right to Restriction of Processing 

You have the right to request the Controller to restrict the processing of your Personal Data where one of the following applies:

  • You contested the accuracy of the Personal Data, for a period enabling the Controller to verify the accuracy of the claim.

  • The Processing is unlawful, and you have opposed the erasure of the Personal Data and requested the restriction of their use instead.

  • The Controller no longer needs Personal Data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by you for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims.

  • You have objected to processing pending the verification of whether the Controller’s legitimate interests override your rights.

Right to Data Portability 

You have the right to receive your Personal Data, which you have provided to the Controller, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and have the right to transmit such data to another controller without hindrance from the Controller, where:

  • The processing is based on consent or on a contract.

  • The processing is carried out by automated means.

In exercising the right to data portability, you have the right to have your Personal Data transmitted directly from the Controller to another controller of your choice, if this is technically feasible.

Right to Object to Personal Data Processing 

You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time, to the processing of your Personal Data that is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller, including profiling based on the Personal Data. The Controller shall no longer process the Personal Data in question unless it can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims.

Where Personal Data is processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your Personal Data for such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing.

Right to Lodge a Complaint With the Supervisory Authority 

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the European Union Member State of your habitual residence, place of work, or place of the alleged infringement.

A list of supervisory authorities, by member state, can be accessed [here](insert link).

How to Exercise the Rights

To exercise your rights, please contact the Controller by sending an email to The Controller may use reasonable means to verify your identity.

Final Provisions

The Controller may change or amend any provision of this PP at any time without prior notice. Individuals shall be informed about the change or amendment on the WebPage or as the Controller may see appropriate. Further use of the WebPage shall be deemed an acknowledgment of such change or amendment.

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