Aug 19, 2024

Trends, miniseries, or memes? Learn to identify what's best for your brand on social media

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Domen Dan Gaiman

When creating a social media content strategy for your brand, you must select the right content mix. Will you ride the wave of trends, craft engaging miniseries, or harness the power of memes? Let’s break down each type of content's pros and cons to help you decide what’s best for your brand! You can choose between focusing on just one type, mixing several, or adjusting your strategy based on performance.

Hopping on trends


  • Riding the wave of trending topics has quick growth potential, and it can skyrocket your visibility and reach within a few days.

  •  Trends often have a wide appeal, attracting viewers beyond your usual audience.


  • Sure, trend-based content can help you gain more views, but it might not sustain long-term engagement and brand loyalty.

  •  You’ll be just one of many people and brands who hop on a trend. These topics can become oversaturated quickly, which makes it hard to stand out from the crowd.

Our advice:

  • Only hop on the trends relevant to your brand and aligned with brand values. Don’t force the trend just for the sake of it.

  • If you opt for this strategy, you must react fast. Be amongst the first ones to hop on a trend, not the last.

  • It’s best to complement reacting to trends with another type of content that is unique to your brand, such as miniseries. You don’t want to be just someone who follows trends. Be the one who creates them.

Making a miniseries


  • With miniseries, you can delve deeper into a topic, communicate your message more clearly and creatively, and create unique content that resonates with brand values.

  • They foster ongoing engagement and audience loyalty.

  • Consistent content releases allow you to build a narrative around your brand, strengthening brand identity.


  • This type of content requires the most resources, including skilled editors, brand ambassadors, or content creators, to maintain quality and consistency across all episodes.

  • Planning and producing a miniseries demands a significant time investment, from conceptualisation to production and distribution.

Our advice:

  • Consider investing in long-term partnerships with content creators to optimise resources.

  • Using platforms such as hyptT can help you optimise the process from planning to producing and distributing the content across platforms, saving you money, time and energy.

Mastering memes


  • Memes are a simple way to convey a more complex message or emotion.

  • They are relatable, especially among younger audiences, which will foster a sense of connection with your brand.

  • They have a bigger viral potential. A well-executed meme can quickly go viral, boosting brand visibility and engagement.


  • Memes are not unique to your brand, so your brand message and your voice can get lost. You can quickly lose your unique identity when you only try to be popular, trendy and relatable.

  • Creating effective memes requires a deep understanding of current trends, internet culture and target audience. Misunderstanding the meaning of a meme can lead to a backlash and damage your brand’s reputation.

Our advice:

  • Our advice here is the same as before: if you wish, include memes in your content mix, but don’t focus entirely on them.

  • Memes are not appropriate for every brand. Not everyone can be Ryanair on social media, and that’s ok. You be you.

Generally, we suggest you start with 3-5 content pillars to test diverse content types and analyse their performance. Afterwards, you can narrow down to the most effective types for your brand and target audience. This is where good, insightful analytics come in handy since they allow you to adjust strategies quickly. Luckily, hyptT offers just that. Try it for free, and let us know how analysing the performance of your social media content helped you improve your social media strategy!


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