Apr 8, 2024

How do we solve the challenges ad agencies face when producing TikTok content?

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Domen Dan Gaiman

Since TikTok is a relatively new social media platform, advertising agencies are still adapting their processes to this new landscape. Creating branded content for TikTok and other vertical video platforms has three significant challenges. Continue reading to find out how to tackle them more effectively and get better results for your clients! 

Don’t just adapt materials! Vertical content requires special treatment.

If you think you can just adapt your core ad campaign materials and post them on TikTok or Instagram Reels, don’t be surprised when you get bad results. Vertical video platforms require different formats, storytelling techniques and editing compared to other advertising channels, such as YouTube pre-roll ads, Facebook video ads, and especially TV ads, which follow a completely different logic. 

On top of that, the recommended post frequency for TikTok is 10 videos per month. That’s a lot of scripting, shooting and editing! The key to success here is excellent organisation and communication between the agency, the client and content creators. To get better results, it’s best to centralise all communication and content on one platform. With hyptT, your team can just upload all your files there. File-sharing is very easy and fast, even for larger files, such as TikTok videos. All your communication and exchanging feedback can also take place on the platform. This will save your agency a lot of time, money and stress, because there will be no need for hundreds of back-and-forth emails, calls, messages, attachments that are too large, and links to file transfers that get lost in the inbox. With hyptT everything stays well-organised, even when your agency produces hundreds of TikTok videos per month. 

Trends come and go fast. Your job is to stay on top of them.

The key to success on TikTok (besides great content strategy) is hopping on relevant trends for your brand and capitalising on them to gain video views or new followers. However, trends on TikTok can emerge and fade within days, so marketers must produce content quickly.

Process optimization tools that help you stay flexible and responsive can contribute immensely to the success of your campaign and get the best results for your budget. Using HyptT will streamline communication between everyone involved in the project, which will also make fast response to TikTok trends much, much easier.

It can be challenging to track the effectiveness of TikTok campaigns (but possible).

TikTok only provides basic metrics, such as views, likes, and comments, but more profound conversion rates and ROI analytics are less developed (compared to other platforms like Facebook or Google Ads). On the other hand, you need data to show your client that the campaign was successful. HyptT’s analytical tools help you collect more detailed data than what’s possible within the TikTok app itself. Our platform will also help you present relevant data and even generate reports, you can then send to your client. For every campaign you’re working on, you can even set KPIs and compare your results to the industry benchmark. This will help you base your strategy on real data, and not just on some hunch!

If you think hyptT can help you streamline your agency’s processes, book a meeting and get signed up for a free trial!


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